Delivering Excellence in Rehabilitation

Our Brochure

Our Services

Assessment, Coordination, Support and Monitoring

When a person has experienced a catastrophic injury, we work with both the client and the people around them to improve their day-to-day life. This includes addressing the practicalities of living today, while also making short-term and long-term plans with the client to improve their health, functional ability and life circumstances.

COOCI Associates provides services to adults, young people and children who have experienced:

Brain Injury
Spinal Injury
Cerebral Palsy
Complex Orthopaedic Injury including Amputation
Multiple Trauma


From the findings of the initial enquiry, COOCI Associates will put forward profiles of case managers who have the required expertise and character to meet each individual client’s needs.  We then organise a meeting so that client and case manager can get to know each other and have an informal chat to confirm the client is comfortable working with them.

Our case managers, assistant case managers and care co-ordinators are drawn from wide ranging but relevant backgrounds and are qualified to the highest levels in their specialist fields. They offer a comprehensive support for clients depending on their needs. This can cover the initial assessment and development of a care plan, organising care and the adaptation of living environments, sourcing equipment and managing mobility issues, finding appropriate therapists and medical specialists and arranging appointments and medication. 

Our aim is to always to help our clients build a positive future.